
11 Most Useful Acronyms About Careers and Jobs

Career management

career acronyms jobs acronyms
  1. DREAM Dedication, Responsibility, Education, Attitude, Motivation  Explains itself - Often found on rubber wrist bands. 2. GROW Goals, Reality, Options, Will.  Th...

10 Acronyms For Teaching and Training

teaching acronyms
  1. TEACH Trust Empowerment Appreciation Communication Humor 2. DUMBER The problem with most learning: Dull, Unrealistic, Mediocre, Boring, Evaporating, Rote  3. BID ...

Eight Useful Project Management Acronyms

Project management

1. BHAG Big Hairy-Assed Goal 2. SWAG     Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess    3. ADDIE A very popular project management methodology: Analysis, Design, Development,...

Five Useful Acronyms To Help With Great Presentations

Presentation skills | Persuasion

1. ICEPAC Qualities of a useful presentation: Interest, Comprehension, Emphasis, Participation, Accomplishment, Confirmation 2. CREST Training aids for presentation: Comparison, Reason, Exam...

Three Useful Acronyms About Happiness


1. PERMA  A concept about seeking happiness, given by Martin Seligman. Positive Emotion Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment 2. FEAR Short for  False  Evidence&nb...

Four Acronyms Useful In Survival Situations


1. SURVIVAL  A helpful acronym used by the U.S. Military during survival situations:: Size up the situation - your physical condition, supplies and equipment, surrounding environment, your op...

Four Useful Acronyms To Deal With Stress Management And Anxiety

Anxiety | Stress management

stress management acronyms anxiety acronyms
  1. STOP  Stop what you are doing, put things down for a minute. Take a breath.   Observe your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Proceed with something that will...

Two Acronyms Useful In Behavioral-based Job Interview Questions

Job interview

1. STAR  Situation or Task Action you took Results you achieved 2. SHARE Situation; describe a specific situation; Hinderances; identify any hindrances or challenges faced; Action; ex...

14 Useful Acronyms For Effective Communication

Communication skills | Acronym definition

communication skills acronyms people skills acronyms
  1. APE Attentive, Peripheral, Empathic The three main types of listening. Empathic listening is the skill of understanding meaning and motive in another's words, a considerably p...

Eight Favorite Quotes About Grit


1. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. - Confucius 2. It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. - Babe Ruth 3. Above everything else I've done, I'...