
18 Very Useful Sales and Negotiation Acronyms

Marketing skills | Sales skills

sales acronyms negotiation acronyms
  1. WIFM  What's in it for me?  2. SELL Show, Explain, Lead to benefits, Let them talk 3. ABC  Always Be Closing.  The need to be continually moving th...

The Leadership Acronym

Leadership skills

JJ DID TIE BUCKLE: The leadership traits as an acronym. - Justice - Judgment - Dependability - Initiative - Decisiveness - Tact - Integrity - Enthusiasm - Bearing - Unself...

22 Most Useful Creativity and Problem Solving Acronyms


creativity and problem solving acronyms
  1. SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Use it everyone – problem –solving, personal analysis, marketing planning, project planning, business planning&helli...

Two Goal-setting Acronyms

Self management

1. SMART Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Time-bound. Other interpretations of the SMART acronym: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.     2. SMARTER Spec...

14 Useful Business Management Acronyms

Business management skills

business management acronyms
1. KCF The main thing about any new business decision, plan or project: Key Success Factors 2. DICEE Guy Kawasaki's acronym for features of a great product: Deep, Indulgent, Complete, E...

Six Business Planning Acronyms

Business management skills

1. GOSPA Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Plans, Activities This is a simple blueprint and order of thinking for business planning of any sort, even for large complex challenges and entire businesse...

12 Acronyms Useful In Studying Better

study skills acronyms
  1. P.O.R.P.E. A strategy to prepare for exams by predicting the questions on the exam: Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, and Evaluate 2. P.L.A.N. A reading/study skills stra...

Six Useful Acronyms For Time Management and Productivity


time management acronyms - productivity acronyms
  1. DDDD (or, 4 D) Technique of Time management: Delete what is not urgent and not important.  Delay tasks that are not important at present. Delegate asks that are beyond your c...

27 Great Acronyms For Self Improvement

Self management

self improvement acronyms
  1. SUCCESS Sense of direction, Understanding, Courage, Charity, Esteem, Self-confidence, Self-acceptance.   2. KISS Keep It Simple Stupid One of the all time great acronyms ...

Four Useful Fitness Acronyms

1. BMI Short for  Body Mass Index, an indicator of obesity. The  BMI formula: BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) ) The WHO regards a BMI of less th...