What is professionalism?
An awesome professional more than just doing a job very well (some say it is). It is also how you do the job, how elegantly you carry, how expertly you deal with customers...
Career Success
Question: What is a successful career to you?
I know you have an idea. Want to know mine? A successful career is a we doing the best we can to bring value to other people, in a particular...
Career Success
Job interview tips Another name for this kind of interviewing is 'Competency-based Behavioral Interviewing'. Behavioral interviewing has become the preferred method to know more about a candidate's skills an...
Career Success
Job interview tips In many large companies, they fill out some vacancies by promoting from the ranks or shifting employees from other departments. This can be a good thing for the employees, who want to move forward in ...
Career Success
Job interview tips Preparation, practice and persistence- this is how you succeed in coding interviews.
The two kinds of coding problems
1. Actual Coding: You have to write clean, efficient code for a gi...
Career Success
Job interview tips The Group Interview is like 'Survivor' of interviews. They call in a bunch of candidates, often all of them (10-12 max.) and then you have to stand out, without sounding off as any loud and ne...
Career Success
Job interview tips Panel interviews are often used so that more people from a team can look at the candidates and reach at a hiring decision. It saves everyone's time - you don't have to go through five levels o...
Career Success
Job interview tips The phone interview is a good screening process for selecting able candidates. You want to come out clear and confident in the phone interview, giving them a clear idea of your potential without sound...
Career Success
Job interview tips Stress interviews are most common in interviews for sales jobs and other job roles where there is a high level of stress to meet quotas or deadlines- stock market jobs(similar to sales jobs), high vol...
Career Success
Job interview tips - Ask when the Interview Is Scheduled.
- Ask what video method will be used (Skype, Google Hangout etc) and prepare. Test if the stuff is working at your end beforehand. Google tips on ho...