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Career Success

How To Be An Awesome Professional

What is professionalism? An awesome professional more than just doing a job very well (some say it is). It is also how you do the job, how elegantly you carry, how expertly you deal with customers...
Career Success

How To Be A Shining Star At Work

Question: What is a successful career to you?   I know you have an idea. Want to know mine? A successful career is a we doing the best we can to bring value to other people, in a particular...
Career Success

Doing Well In Behavioral Interviews

Job interview tips
Another name for this kind of interviewing is 'Competency-based Behavioral Interviewing'. Behavioral interviewing has become the preferred method to know more about a candidate's skills an...
Career Success

Handling Internal Job Interviews

Job interview tips
In many large companies, they fill out some vacancies by promoting from the ranks or shifting employees from other departments. This can be a good thing for the employees, who want to move forward in ...
Career Success

How To Succeed In Coding Interviews

Job interview tips
Preparation, practice and persistence- this is how you succeed in coding interviews.   The two kinds of coding problems 1. Actual Coding: You have to write clean, efficient code for a gi...
Career Success

How to Ace A Group Interview

Job interview tips
The Group Interview is like 'Survivor' of interviews. They call in a bunch of candidates, often all of them (10-12 max.) and then you have to stand out, without sounding off as any loud and ne...
Career Success

How to Ace The Panel Interview

Job interview tips
Panel interviews are often used so that more people from a team can look at the candidates and reach at a hiring decision. It saves everyone's time - you don't have to go through five levels o...
Career Success

How To Ace The Phone Interview

Job interview tips
The phone interview is a good screening process for selecting able candidates. You want to come out clear and confident in the phone interview, giving them a clear idea of your potential without sound...
Career Success

How To Handle A Stress interview And Come Out Okay

Job interview tips
Stress interviews are most common in interviews for sales jobs and other job roles where there is a high level of stress to meet quotas or deadlines- stock market jobs(similar to sales jobs), high vol...
Career Success

How to Succeed at Your Video Interview

Job interview tips
- Ask when the Interview Is Scheduled.   - Ask what video method will be used (Skype, Google Hangout etc) and prepare. Test if the stuff is working at your end beforehand. Google tips on ho...