Business management skills 0. What is a business?
A business is an entity whose sole purpose is to create and keep a customer.
Companies have three responsibilities:
- make a profit
- satisfy employees, an...
Business Skills
Project management skills They range from the simple task lists/time tables and action plans to complex ones such as Critical Path Analysis.
1. Risk/impact probability chart
- prioritizing risks
- X axis (i...
Business Skills
Project management skills Project-work is the future of work.
- Tom Peters
You have no future unless you add value and create projects.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
The Ideal Project is one where pe...
Business Skills
1. Wince: A visible negative reaction to someone’s offer - E.g. Acting stunned/surprised when the other party give their terms.
2. Silence: It can be a very useful tool. When they s...
Business Skills
Negotiation skills 1. Control the Agenda: This is how you will control what will be discussed. Say how you will behave, and how you expect them to behave. Set up some standards both of your will follow. Give out deadlin...
Business Skills
Negotiation skills Five things to do while preparing:
1. Know them, know yourself: What do they need? What do you want?
2. Determine your bottom line goal: The at least one thing you want to get done.
3. The D...
Business Skills
Negotiation skills How to haggle
'Just say, 'Is that the best you can do?' And then be quiet. Many people are uncomfortable with silence. And you can always walk away. In this economy, the market power i...
Business Skills
Persuasion Propaganda ends where dialogue begins.
- Marshall McLuhan
Argument vs Persuasion vs Propaganda
We already talked about negotiation (win-win) vs persuasion (reasoning) vs influencing...
Business Skills
Persuasion A business's survival depends upon persuading people to buy/agree to the deal.
- Build it like a cause: 'Every vote counts.' Or, 'Even a penny will help.'
Business Skills
Persuasion Persuading vs Negotiating vs Influencing
Persuading is successfully convincing others to do something. Negotiating is successfully discussing and reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement. Influen...