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Communication Skills

Checklist: Most Irritating And Overused Phrases We Hear At Work

You need to know about clichés.  Clichés are terms, phrases, or even ideas that, upon their inception, may have been striking and thought-provoking but became unoriginal through rep...
Career Success

Checklist: 10 Reasons To Quit Your Job This Year

1. The middle class is dead. The so-called "American Dream" was always just a marketing slogan. 2. Many middle class jobs have been replaced by technology, outsourcing, a growing temp sta...
Time Management / Productivity Skills

Checklist: How To Be Productive During the Workday

1. Create a smaller to-do list.  2. Take breaks.  3. Follow the 80/20 rule.  Only 20 percent of what you do each day produces 80 percent of your results? Eliminate the things tha...
Self Improvement Skills

Checklist: 10 Qualities Of Truly Confident People

1. Confident people know what confidence really is. Confidence is not these things: Bravado, swagger, overt pretense of bravery, or bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others. Confidence is...
Career Success

Checklist: Don't Make These Mistakes on Your Resumes

Mistake 1: Typos Employers see them as a lack of detail-orientation, as a failure to care about quality. Mistake 2: Length A good suggestion is one page of resume for every ten years of work expe...
Self Improvement Skills

10 Things Successful People Don't Do

1. Don’t Let Anyone Limit Your Joy Feel good about something that you’ve done. Don’t let anyone’s opinions or accomplishments take that away from them. You don’t hav...
Self Improvement Skills

Do The Best You Can Until You Know Better

Self improvement
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Self Improvement Skills

Rock Bottom Is A Teachers Name

Self improvement
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Self Improvement Skills

If This Guy Can Do It So Can You

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Self Improvement Skills

Just Shine And Ignore The Rest

Self improvement
❤ If you liked this, consider supporting us by checking out Tiny Skills - 250+ Top Work & Personal Skills Made Easy