1. What Are UX and UI Skills?
UX (User Experience): Focuses on understanding user behavior, needs, and goals to design seamless, intuitive experiences. It involves research, wireframing, and usabili...
Design Skills
1. What is Web Usability?
Web usability refers to how easily and effectively users can navigate, interact with, and achieve their goals on a website. A usable website ensures visitors find what they ...
Design Skills
1. What are Design Skills?
Design skills refer to the ability to create functional, aesthetic, and meaningful solutions to visual, digital, or physical problems. These skills blend creativity, techni...
Design Skills
Having a design sense refers to the ability to create visually appealing, functional, and meaningful designs that effectively communicate ideas and solve problems. It's a blend of creativity, underst...
Career Success
A growth mindset is the belief that a person's abilities can be improved through effort, learning, and persistence. It also refers to how someone faces challenges, processes failures, and adapts a...
Self Improvement Skills
1. Note the number for each question which best describes you
2. Total and record your score when you have completed each of the 10 questions
3. Using the SCORE chart, record your mindse...
Skill News
Checklist 1. Quit hating on yourself.
We all make mistakes. We are all human as well and humans are not perfect creatures. Accept yourself first.
2. Write your thoughts down.
Things to write down: Yo...
Communication Skills
Checklist 1. Know what 'being polite' means.
Being polite means showing respect and kindness, while being aware of the situation / context. Being polite is a combination of mental & physical ...