Managing a motel requires various mathematical calculations for revenue management, budgeting, occupancy tracking, and operational efficiency. Here's a breakdown of essential formulas and calculations to help run a motel successfully.
Total Revenue:
{Total Revenue} = {Number of Rooms Sold} * {Average Room Rate (ARR)}
Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR):
{RevPAR} = \frac{{Total Revenue}} / {{Total Available Rooms}}
{RevPAR} = {Occupancy Rate} * {ARR}
Occupancy Rate:
{Occupancy Rate (\%)} = \frac{{Number of Rooms Occupied}} / {{Total Rooms Available}} * 100
Average Room Rate (ARR):
{ARR} = \frac{{Total Revenue from Rooms}} / {{Number of Rooms Sold}}
{Profit/Loss} = {Total Revenue} - {Total Expenses}
Expenses include utilities, salaries, maintenance, cleaning supplies, and marketing costs.
Fixed Costs per Room:
{Fixed Cost per Room} = \frac{{Total Fixed Costs}} / {{Total Number of Rooms}}
Variable Costs per Occupied Room:
{Variable Cost per Room} = \frac{{Total Variable Costs}} / {{Number of Rooms Sold}}
Break-Even Occupancy Rate:
{Break-Even Occupancy Rate} = \frac{{Total Fixed Costs}} / {{ARR - Variable Cost per Room}}
Discounted Rate:
{Discounted Rate} = {Original Rate} * (1 - {Discount Percentage})
Dynamic Pricing: Adjust room rates based on demand:
{Rate Adjustment} = {Base Rate} \pm {Demand Factor Adjustment}
Cleaning Hours Needed:
{Total Cleaning Hours} = {Number of Occupied Rooms} * {Average Cleaning Time per Room (Hours)}
Housekeeper Productivity:
{Rooms per Housekeeper} = \frac{{Total Rooms Cleaned}} / {{Number of Housekeepers}}
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):
{CAC} = \frac{{Total Marketing Expenses}} / {{Number of New Bookings}}
Retention Rate:
{Retention Rate (\%)} = \frac{{Returning Guests}} / {{Total Guests}} * 100
Utility Cost per Occupied Room:
{Utility Cost per Room} = \frac{{Total Utility Costs}} / {{Number of Rooms Sold}}
Maintenance Cost per Room:
{Maintenance Cost per Room} = \frac{{Total Maintenance Costs}} / {{Total Rooms}}
Staffing Hours Needed:
{Total Hours Needed} = {Number of Shifts per Day} * {Hours per Shift} * {Number of Staff per Shift}
Labor Cost:
{Labor Cost} = {Hourly Wage} * {Total Hours Worked}
Scenario: A motel has 50 rooms, charges an average of $80 per night, and has a 70% occupancy rate. Monthly fixed costs are $15,000, and variable costs per occupied room are $20.
{Rooms Sold} = 50 * 0.70 = 35
{Total Revenue} = 35 * 80 = 2,800 { per day}
{Profit} = {Total Revenue} - ({Fixed Costs} + {Variable Costs})
{Profit (Daily)} = 2,800 - (15,000 / 30 + 35 * 20) = 2,800 - 900 - 700 = 1,200
Efficient use of math in operations helps ensure profitability, effective resource management, and informed decision-making for running a motel smoothly.