Making a living

Making money from videos

Make money

1. Start a YouTube channel: Starting a YouTube channel to teach people to do stuff is a good option, but it is way too competitive. There are too many people, and some very big players into this field. The key will be if you are able to find a great niche or a unique angle (For example, too many cooking videos on YouTube? How about cooking videos with the chef being drunk - Drunk Kitchen is an example, where there is less cooking and more funny alcohol-fueled banter. It is a big hit.


Almost all the YouTube stars are making names by 1. Doing something in a different, 2. Doing something in a different style, and 3. Being interesting and funny as anything. Please, please search Google for 'top YouTube stars' for more inspiration on how to make it on YouTube.


Popular YouTube channels are like normal TV channels - they are regular (series, episodes etc), entertaining and available for general public.


There are services such as Oneload that help video creators distribute the same video to multiple video sites.


Examples of popular YouTube channels: One man makes money by eating just about anything in front of the camera. An 8-year-old kid makes over $1 million a year playing with toys in front of a camera. Another one makes $20 million dollar per year unwrapping Disney toys. Then there are these two cute brothers who made over $100,000 from finger biting videos.


Making money from ads on YouTube videos: Remember, advertisers only pay when someone clicks an ad or watches for 30 seconds. So, you have to make people stay for at least 30 seconds.


Other ways of making money from YouTube videos:


- Using YouTube to get traffic to your website and blog: Convert useful posts into videos, or create some interesting videos to bring traffic to your own website/blog.

- Using YouTube to review products via video and making money from affiliate links, which you will put in the video description area.

- Creating products and promoting them on YouTube: This method is used often by website/app makers, who create introduction videos on YouTube.

- You can also test market your products using YouTube: Taking off from the tip above, you can create a video on your product idea, soliciting comments on whether people will buy it (or getting suggestions) via comments.


Whatever you create using YouTube, please make sure you put in all the relevant keywords in the videos' title, descriptions and tags, and thus make your video search friendly.


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