1. Pros/Cons method: Pick out pros and cons of the subject at hand. 'On one hand...'/'On the other hand...'
2. The History method: Start with 'In the past...' and then 'Now, time have changed...'
3. The USP method: If you know you subject inside out, list out the unique selling propositions.
4. The Getting Personal method: Charm the audiences by enforcing a personal stake in your talk. 'When I was young, they used to say that...'
5. The Audience flirt method: Pick someone from the audience. Let him introduce himself. Weave your talk around him.
6. The Self Deprecating method: Make fun of yourself - 'For an idiot like me...'
7. The Joker method: Pepper you talk with jokes.
8. The 'Know it all' method: Take inspiration from all you know or relate what you know to the topic at hand - use historical figures, things you have learnt on the Discovery channel, quotes from great people, the classics, great literature, movies...
Tip: People like it best if you can weave in historical dates and incidents into your talk.
9. The PREP Method of Impromptu Speaking
P: Point
State your point to the question.
R: Reason
State a reason/s why you raised your point.
E: Example
Give an illustration which supports your above-mentioned case.
P: Prep
Which leads us to the next point.
10. The Journalist's method
You are telling a Story. Revisit the reporting basics:
5 Ws: Who? What? Where? When? Why?
H: How
An easy template for impromptu speaking
Greeting: Pretty obvious; you want to say hello.
Event: State why everyone’s gathered, what the event is about, etc. Starting off with, 'As we all know…'
Common Ground: Discuss something relatable to you and your audience. Maybe start this part off with 'Like many of you, I…'
Why You’re Speaking: Include why you’ve been chosen to speak. What gives you the right to speak on this topic?
Call to Action: Finally, end with a call to action, let’s all toast… let’s have a round of applause. This is a natural closer.
(Source: Reddit)