With its customizable features, Excel can track expenses, income, invoices, and even generate financial reports. Here's a step-by-step guide to set up and automate accounting tasks for a small business.
Create a table to record daily transactions.
1. Column Layout:
| Date | Description | Category | Income ($) | Expense ($) | Balance ($) |
Add Example Data:
| Date | Description | Category | Income ($) | Expense ($) | Balance ($) |
| 01/01/2025 | Website Payment | Revenue | 5000 | | 5000 |
| 01/03/2025 | Office Supplies | Expense | | 200 | 4800 |
Balance Formula:
=IF(ROW()=2, D2-E2, F1+D2-E2)
Drag the formula down for future entries.
Category Dropdowns:
Set Up Columns:
| Category | Total Income ($) | Total Expense ($) | Net Profit ($) |
Example Data:
| Category | Total Income ($) | Total Expense ($) | Net Profit ($) |
| Revenue | =SUM(D2:D100) | | |
| Office Supplies| | =SUM(E2:E100) | |
| Total | =SUM(B2:B10) | =SUM(C2:C10) | =B11-C11 |
Net Profit Formula:
In the Net Profit row:
=SUM(Total Income - Total Expense)
Generate a Chart:
| Date | Opening Balance | Inflows ($) | Outflows ($) | Closing Balance |
Formula for Closing Balance:
=B2 + C2 - D2
Drag down to calculate for each date.
Use Conditional Formatting:
.Set Up an Invoice Layout:
| Business Name | Invoice | Invoice Date |
| Customer Name | Due Date | Total Amount |
| Description | Qty | Price | Subtotal |
Add Formulas:
=Qty * Price
. Total: =SUM(Subtotal Range)
Automate Invoice Numbers:
=TEXT(ROW(A1), "INV0000")
. This generates sequential invoice numbers.
Save as Template:
File > Save As > .xltx
). =SUMIF(Category Range, "Revenue", Amount Range)
=SUMIF(Category Range, "Expense", Amount Range)
. =IF(Due Date < TODAY(), "Overdue", "On Time")
to reference data across sheets for integrated accounting. =SUMIF(Date Range, ">="&Start Date, Amount Range)
. =Amount * Tax Rate
. Invoice Generator:
P&L Template:
Solver: Optimize budgets or forecasts.
Cloud Syncing:
Use OneDrive to access and share spreadsheets securely.
Integrate with Software:
File > Info > Protect Workbook