Maintain a centralized record of employee details.
Columns to Include:
| Employee ID | Name | Department | Job Title | Date of Joining | Email | Phone | Status |
| 001 | John Doe | IT | Software Engineer| 01/01/2022 | [email protected] | 555-1234 | Active |
| 002 | Jane Smith | HR | HR Manager | 05/15/2021 | [email protected] | 555-5678 | Active |
Track attendance and leave balances for each employee.
Columns to Include:
| Employee ID | Name | Month | Total Days | Present Days | Absent Days | Leave Taken | Leave Balance |
| 001 | John Doe | Jan 2025| 31 | 28 | 1 | 2 | 10 |
| 002 | Jane Smith | Jan 2025| 31 | 29 | 0 | 2 | 12 |
Formulas to Use:
- Absent Days:
=Total Days - Present Days - Leave Taken
=Starting Leave Balance - Leave Taken
. Conditional Formatting:
- Highlight employees with leave balances below a threshold (e.g., < 5 days
Manage salaries, bonuses, deductions, and net pay.
Columns to Include:
| Employee ID | Name | Basic Pay ($) | Allowances ($) | Deductions ($) | Gross Pay ($) | Net Pay ($) |
| 001 | John Doe | 3,000 | 500 | 200 | 3,500 | 3,300 |
| 002 | Jane Smith | 4,000 | 600 | 250 | 4,600 | 4,350 |
Formulas to Use:
- Gross Pay:
=Basic Pay + Allowances
=Gross Pay - Deductions
. Track the status of candidates during hiring.
Columns to Include:
| Candidate ID | Name | Position Applied | Status | Interview Date | Interviewer | Remarks |
| C001 | Alice Cooper | Marketing Manager| Shortlisted | 01/10/2025 | Jane Smith | Excellent skills|
| C002 | Bob Johnson | Sales Executive | Rejected | 01/15/2025 | John Doe | Lack of experience |
Status Options:
- Use drop-down menus for Shortlisted, Interviewing, Hired, Rejected.
Create a PivotTable from the attendance sheet.
Payroll Summary:
Example: Count employees in a specific department:
=COUNTIF(Department Range, "IT")
VLOOKUP for Data Retrieval:
Example: Pull employee details from the database into the payroll sheet:
=VLOOKUP(Employee ID, Database Range, Column Number, FALSE)
IF Function for Conditional Pay Adjustments:
=IF(Performance >= 90, Basic Pay * 0.1, 0)
.=COUNTA(Employee ID Range)
. =COUNTIF(Status Range, "Active")
. Pie chart showing employees by department or status.
Attendance Trends:
Line chart for monthly attendance trends.
Recruitment Pipeline:
Highlight overdue performance reviews:
=TODAY() - Last Review Date > 365
Flag employees exceeding overtime hours.
Attendance Tracker Template:
Payroll Calculator:
HR Dashboard:
Protect sensitive HR data with a password:
Go to File > Info > Protect Workbook.
Back Up Regularly:
Save your workbook to OneDrive or Google Drive.
Integrate with Other Tools:
Export data from HR software (e.g., BambooHR, Zoho People) into Excel for advanced analysis.
Automate Repeated Tasks: