
Three Very Useful Acronyms About Persuasion


1. The 4 Ps Approach to Persuasion
Picture (storytelling and vivid descriptive imagery) 
Proof (Statistics, studies, graphs, charts, third-party facts, testimonials, a demonstration ) 
Push (CTA, outstanding offer...)

Personal Pronouns: You, me, we, us-creating bond with the reader 
Emotive Language: Words which can create an emotional response in the reader
Rhetorical Questions: Need no response- used to focus the attention on the answer or the main point of the argument. 
Statistics and Facts: Appeal to someone’s reason.
Using an authority figure- to make your argument sound spot on.  
Alliteration and Anecdotes: Use alliteration to make memorable phrases- use Anecdotes(short stories) to bring your argument to life.
Description and imagery: Use metaphors and similes etc. to describe an anecdote
Exaggeration: Exaggerate to emphasise or prove your point
Repetition and groups of 3- again: For emphasis

3. SPICE of Persuasion
Simplicity, Perceived self-interest, Incongruity, Confidence and Empathy.


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