Self Help Skills

Sleeping Better: 11 Important Things To Know


Before going to sleep


1. Get comfortable: Sleep in a dark and quiet room. Wear eye masks if the room isn't dark. Wear socks if it is cold. Get comfortable mattress and pillows.


2. Wind down before you go to bed: Do whatever helps. Bath. Sitting quietly de-stressing. Some reading. Whatever works for you, do it.


3. Don't go to bed hungry or fully stuffed. Avoid nicotine (cigarettes), caffeine (coffee) and alcohol (mar make you drowsy at first but disturbs the sleep later).


Handling the stress and worries in your life


4. Try all you can to manage the stress (please read guide to 'stress management', 'coping' etc) in your life.


5. Do breathing exercises/meditation before sleeping if it helps.


6. Another good idea is to write down thoughts, plans, notes for next day. It helps clear the mind.




7. Use an alarm clock, but try not to use the snooze button: Alarm rings, you hit 'snooze', and go back to sleep. But your REM sleep is already disturbed and whatever sleep you get after hitting 'snooze' is a disturbed sleep, and it makes you feel groggy during mornings.


8. Don't sleep for more than 10-15 minutes at a time during the day, or it will disrupt your internal clock.


Trying to go to sleep


9. Don't think about trying to go to sleep. It only keeps us awake. Instead just relax, try not to put any new thoughts into the mind. It helps if you are tired and new thoughts are easily discouraged.


10. Exercise helps: The National Sleep Foundation's Sleep In America survey (2013) suggests that even a few minutes of rigorous exercise helps.


11. If you can't sleep, get out of bed: Do something else, even some exercise. Get back into bed when you are tired.


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