Running a business

Running a Business: Get more sales

To get more sales,

Read up on effective 'sales techniques'.



Find out why people are buying products from competition - is it about benefits, branding or both? Be helpful during the sales process, never pushy. If nothing else, ask your target customers what they want from you.


Tone down on the number of choices. The best is two-three - 'red pill or blue pill?' - 'Regular package vs premium package vs most popular package'


To see if your product/service is 'buyworthy', use the SPACED formula:


Security: Is this product/service safe and will it work?

Performance: Will this product/service meet my needs?

Appearance: Does this product/service look good? Will buying it make me look good?

Convenience: Is this product/service easy to introduce and use, or will it cause me problems?

Economical: Can I afford to use this product/service? How much will it save me?

Durability: Will it last long enough for me to recoup my investment?


Use persuasion principles:


- Scarcity: '3 products left in stock', Or 'order within 2 hours and 10 minutes and we'll ship your order today'

- Social proof: '35 people bought this product today', 'The last order of this product was 2 minutes ago'

- Authority: 'Recommended by institute x'


Upsell: People will pay extra for many little things. Shops have impulse purchase items stacked right on the pay counter. Restaurants will ask you to choose between plain water and 'sparkling' water (note the wording). Online stores offer special gift packing for a 'nominal' fee. You get the idea.


To manage distributors: Set mutually agreed targets (sales per month, pricing, level of support) - Give additional margins (incentives) set to different targets - Provide sales literature/training materials/other sales aids - Or, introduce short promotional campaigns at regular intervals.


To get even more sales, increase your visibility (PR, mass marketing), reach of your product/service (even online), focus smore on being memorable and invest in building professional networks - industry associations, trade shows, events, charity/volunteer, etc. (see table of contents)


Pricing tip: End all prices with 7,8,9 - Or, remember the good-old .95 in end - $9.95, anyone?


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