Real World Math Skills

Percentage Increase Formula

The percentage increase formula measures the growth or change of a value over time. It is commonly used in business, finance, and various other fields for tracking growth trends.

The Formula

Percentage Increase =
\frac{{{New Value} - {Original Value}}} / {{{Original Value}}} * 100

Simplified Steps:

  1. Find the Increase:
    ( {Increase} = {New Value} - {Original Value} ).

  2. Divide the Increase by the Original Value:
    ( {Result} = \frac{{Increase}} / {{Original Value}} ).

  3. Convert to a Percentage:
    Multiply the result by 100.


1. Stock Value Growth

  • Scenario: A stock cost $5 in 2010 and $50 in 2015.
  • Step 1: Calculate the increase: ( 50 - 5 = 45 ).
  • Step 2: Divide by the original value: ( 45 / 5 = 9 ).
  • Step 3: Convert to a percentage: ( 9 * 100 = 900\% ).

The stock's value increased by 900% over five years.

2. Employee Work Hours

  • Scenario: Robert worked 95 hours in January and 110 hours in February.
  • Step 1: Calculate the increase: ( 110 - 95 = 15 ).
  • Step 2: Divide by the original value: ( 15 / 95 = 0.1579 ).
  • Step 3: Convert to a percentage: ( 0.1579 * 100 = 15.79\% ).

Robert’s work hours increased by 15.79%.

Percentage Decrease Formula

When a value decreases over time, the formula becomes:
Percentage Decrease =
\frac{{{Original Value} - {New Value}}} / {{{Original Value}}} * 100

Example: Stock Value Decrease

  • Scenario: A stock value dropped from $125 in 2018 to $50 in 2023.
  • Step 1: Calculate the decrease: ( 125 - 50 = 75 ).
  • Step 2: Divide by the original value: ( 75 / 125 = 0.6 ).
  • Step 3: Convert to a percentage: ( 0.6 * 100 = 60\% ).

The stock’s value decreased by 60%.

Applications of the Formula?

  1. Business Metrics:
    Track revenue growth, budget changes, or customer satisfaction scores.

  2. Finance:
    Monitor stock prices, investment returns, and market trends.

  3. Inventory Management:
    Calculate inventory increases or decreases over time.

Pro Tips for Using the Formula

  • Context Matters: Understand external factors (e.g., seasonal demand) that may influence results.
  • Realistic Goals: Use the formula to set measurable growth targets based on historical data.
  • Tool Usage: Incorporate software like Excel or online calculators for larger datasets.

With these steps, you'll confidently analyze trends and make informed decisions!

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