Column F: Difference (Budgeted - Total Spending
Categories and Budget:
Use a SUMIF formula in a summary table:
=SUMIF(B:B, "Rent", D:D)
(total for the “Rent” category). Difference Between Budget and Spending:
. Conditional formatting to highlight overspending (Format Conditional Formatting Rule: If <0
, turn red).
Dynamic Dropdown for Categories:
Last Column: Total Present Days.
Add sample data: Use P
for present, A
for absent, or leave blank for no data.
In the “Total” column:
=COUNTIF(B2:Z2, "P")
(counts “P” for each employee row). Highlight Frequent Absentees:
Use conditional formatting:
), apply a red fill. Percentage Attendance:
=COUNTIF(B2:Z2, "P") / COUNTA(B2:Z2)
(shows percentage of days present). P
, A
). Column D: Total (Quantity x Unit Price
Summary Section (Below the Table):
=Subtotal * 0.1
=Subtotal + Tax
. =B2*C2
. Drag down to copy the formula for all rows.
Automatic Tax Calculation:
=SUM(D2:D10) * $H$1
. Column D: Duration (Days) (=C2-B2
Add a column for task bars (Column E):
=IF(AND(F$1>=$B2, F$1<=$C2), "?", "")
(drag across cells for the timeline). Use Ctrl+T to convert data into a Table (allows easier filtering).
Insert a PivotTable:
Summarize key metrics (e.g., Sales by Region).
Add Slicers:
Select categories like Date, Region, or Product.
Customize Charts:
Go to Data Get Data From File to load multiple sources.
Transform Data:
Use Power Query to clean, merge, or reshape datasets (e.g., remove duplicates or filter rows).
Create a Refreshable Report:
(drag down to get cumulative totals). =UNIQUE(A2:A100)
(returns a list of unique items). =SUMIFS(D:D, B:B, "North", C:C, ">100")
(sum sales where Region is North, and Amount > 100).