As a DoorDash (or, any other delivery app) worker (Dasher), math is crucial for maximizing earnings, tracking expenses, and planning effectively. Here’s a breakdown of how math can help DoorDash workers in their daily operations:
Calculate total income:
{Gross Earnings} = \sum {(Base Pay + Tips + Peak Pay)}
Hourly Earnings:
Calculate fuel expenses:
{Fuel Cost} = \frac{{Miles Driven}} / {{Miles Per Gallon (MPG)}} * {Fuel Price Per Gallon}
Maintenance Costs:
Estimate maintenance based on mileage:
{Maintenance Cost} = {Miles Driven} * {Maintenance Rate Per Mile}
Net Earnings:
Calculate the distance for each order:
{Miles Per Delivery} = {Delivery Miles} + {Return Miles to Starting Point}
Earnings Per Mile:
Assess if an order is worth it:
{Earnings Per Mile} = \frac{{Order Pay}} / {{Miles Driven}}
Time Efficiency:
Find how much you need to earn per hour to hit a daily target:
{Required Hourly Rate} = \frac{{Daily Goal}} / {{Hours Available}}
Order Acceptance Rate:
Estimate quarterly taxes:
{Estimated Tax Payment} = {Net Earnings} * {Tax Rate (\%)}
Mileage Deduction:
Calculate tip percentages:
{Tip Percentage (\%)} = \frac{{Tip Amount}} / {{Order Total}} * 100
Average Tip Per Order:
Only accept orders where the profit per order meets your desired threshold.
Peak Pay Analysis:
Compare hourly rates:
{App Hourly Rate} = \frac{{Total App Earnings}} / {{Hours Worked on App}}
Maximize Active Time:
Average Delivery Pay:
{Average Pay Per Delivery} = \frac{{Total Earnings}} / {{Total Deliveries}}
Acceptance and Completion Rates:
{Completion Rate (\%)} = \frac{{Completed Orders}} / {{Accepted Orders}} * 100
Divide your target by working days:
{Daily Target} = \frac{{Monthly Target}} / {{Number of Working Days}}
Vehicle Replacement Savings:
By leveraging these calculations, DoorDash workers can make informed decisions, optimize earnings, and plan for sustainable growth in their gig work.?