The best advertising is Word Of Mouth.
- David Ogilvy
Ads with people in them score higher.
- Starch Research
The Ad writing Acid Test: Create an ad for your service. If after a week your best ad is weak, stop working on the ad and start working on your service.
- Anon
A good advertisement is one which sells the product without attention to itself.
- David Ogilvy
Volkwagen just had the word lemon in a corner, when it introduced its Beetle brand in U.S.
In good times people want to advertise, in bad times, they have to.
- Bruce Barton
- Start with a good headline
- Sell the primary benefit, fast
- Sell only one thing
- Use facts (and if space permits, plenty of facts)
- Use testimonials
- Don't lie
- Concentrate on effectiveness in the marketplace, rather than how 'cool' it looks/reads
- Make your copy interesting
- Tell them where and when to buy
- Review your ad for three key elements: Does it have impact? is it focused? is it honest?
- AIDA format: Attention (headline) - Interest (customer problems that will be solved) - Desire (the benefits from using your product/service) - Action (what do you want the customer to do next? Call? Press button? Go to nearest store?)
- Your main message (the main benefit statement) must be the most prominent.
- Offer a single impressive relevant benefit, quickly and simply.
- Your message must be quick and easy to absorb: Clear layout, clear fonts and clear/simple language.
- Avoid all clutter: No fancy/meaningless images, colors and backgrounds. Make it easy to read.
- Use the 2nd person: you, your, and yours: And then you can pair it up with 'we' - e.g. 'we understand your...'
- Do/mention something new: 'New' attracts people.
- Emphasize a unique, highly relevant, and credible selling proposition: 'Start clicking and sharing photos in 5 seconds'.
Search Google for 'advertising tips', 'copywriting tips' etc.
Please also go through the quick guide to 'Copywriting: Writing To Sell' in the Writing Skills section.