People do it all time, to make extra money or to support the insufficiently-paying first job.
Thing to remember:
- Never let your freelance work and work cross.
- Never use the same computer for both. At home, at least create separate folders for each.
- Never use a work provided mobile device or cell phone for the freelance work.
- Never use work equipment, paper, pens, networking for yoru freelance work.
- You also need to be able to tell people about your 'availability' without letting your employers know/ Or, they being okay with it.
- After a time, you will have to stop doing those small projects, especially they don't pay that well (these kinds of work are most common) and there are hassles in collecting money. You will have to network to get big projects.
Pretty common sense, yes?
How to move from a corporate job to freelancer/contractor?
It all depends on how unique and in-demand your skillset is.
1. Before you make the leap, make sure you have 3-6 months of living expenses. Most freelancing projects work on the 'Net 30' terms. This means that from the day you start, it will be 60 days before you get paid.
So, be able to make up that 2+ months gap in income.
2. Look at any contracts etc your employer made you sign up. Even they are not sufficient to stand scrutiny in court, companies use the contracts to scare employees into non-competing, and non-threatening positions.
How to move up from solo freelancer to full-time entrepreneur
The answer lies in you answering this question? Why do you want to a business?
To make more money? To handle bigger projects with help of a team? You can do this by partnering with professionals from different field. Why a company?
If you know you have an answer, also know this:
- When you run a company, you are managing people, now it is not only about skill set, but about skills and performance of other people too.
- Even with other people in, you will be responsible for client relations. You are the main person/the brand.
- Then there is the whole process of managing people, budgeting and other business tasks, which take you away from the project. You may end up having to hire a person to manage operations, further increasing costs as well.