Another name for this guide can definitely be 'how to be indispensable'. The answer for becoming recession-proof and future-proofing your career is common-sensical enough- We can survive any difficult situation if we can continually (this is important) provide our value to the company, by
1. Working hard : Finishing work on time, helping with other tasks, especially the 'hot' tasks, 'going the extra mile', being resilient etc.
To him that will, ways are not wanting.
- George Herbert
2. Working on getting more useful and valuable skills: In present niche or elsewhere, in some promising new area, being aware of the changes in the industry helps, and more importantly,
3. Working on being visible to the team, bosses and the industry, or else all of the previous was in vain (constant reports and talks with boss and mentor, networking, personal branding, etc.)
4. Working a plan B: A side project in your niche that you hope will make you money.
Soon the emphasis will be on getting a life instead of a career, and work will be viewed as a series of gigs or projects.
- Jonas Ridderståle
5. Working to build a perspective: While you are doing all you can to make sure your career survives any tsunami, it is better to have some perspective. Know that everyone in history, and those living in the world right now have faced a tough going in their life/working life. We are not alone. People survive. You will too. Count your blessings.
This is gold: Happiness is the best revenge against adversity.
Pro top:
1. The 'Coach' exercise: Look at the situation as if you are your career coach
What is the worst that could happen? (in life, at work, family etc): List the things
What do you need to put in place should this actually happen?: List the things
2. Avoid the negative sayers: Stay away from the choruses of “Isn’t it awful?
Don’t panic. Control emotions and get information instead. Look at things objectively. Verify the rumors. Do you research. Ask people. Confusion, doubt and ambiguity give birth to fear, which is worse than than the iceberg was for the Titanic.