A manager's dashboard provides a centralized platform for monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs), tracking goals, and analyzing data to aid decision-making. This simple guide will help you build a professional and dynamic manager's dashboard.
Upcoming deadlines.
Team Performance:
Goal achievement rates.
Financial Metrics:
Profit margin.
Operational Metrics:
| Task ID | Task Name | Assigned To | Due Date | Status | Priority | % Complete |
| 001 | Market Research | John Smith | 01/25/2025 | In Progress | High | 60% |
| 002 | Website Redesign | Jane Doe | 01/30/2025 | Not Started | Medium | 0% |
Formulas to Use:
- Days Remaining: =IF(Status="Completed", 0, Due Date - TODAY())
- Completion Rate: =AVERAGE(% Complete Range)
| Month | Revenue ($) | Expenses ($) | Profit ($) |
| Jan 2025 | 50,000 | 30,000 | =B2-C2 |
| Feb 2025 | 55,000 | 35,000 | =B3-C3 |
Key Metrics:
- Profit Margin: =Profit / Revenue * 100
- Budget Utilization: =SUM(Expenses Range) / Total Budget * 100
| Employee Name | Tasks Assigned | Tasks Completed | Attendance (%) | Performance Score |
| John Smith | 10 | 8 | 90% | 85% |
| Jane Doe | 8 | 6 | 95% | 88% |
Formulas to Use:
- Task Completion Rate: =Tasks Completed / Tasks Assigned * 100
=COUNTA(Task ID Range)
=COUNTIF(Status Range, "Overdue")
=AVERAGE(% Complete Range)
=SUM(Revenue Range)
=AVERAGE(Profit Margin Range)
| Status | Count |
| Completed | 20 |
| In Progress | 10 |
| Not Started | 5 |
Financial Trends:
Insert a Line Chart for Revenue vs. Expenses over time.
Team Performance:
Insert a Bar Chart for tasks completed per employee.
Resource Utilization:
Steps to Add Slicers: - Create a PivotTable using the task data. - Go to PivotTable Analyze > Insert Slicer and select fields like Priority or Assigned To.
Use the right panel for financial and operational metrics.
Formatting Tips:
=TODAY() > Due Date
. Team Performance Tracker:
Project Management Dashboard:
Focus on 5–7 key metrics to avoid overwhelming users.
Secure Your Data:
Protect the dashboard with a password:
File > Info > Protect Workbook.
Back-Up Regularly:
Save to cloud storage (e.g., OneDrive) for real-time updates and recovery.
Customize Based on Needs: