Subtext happens when:
1. A character’s words don’t align with their feelings.
- Example: Saying, “I’m fine” when they’re clearly hurt.
2. A character avoids saying what they truly mean.
- Example: Using sarcasm or humor to mask fear or vulnerability.
3. Tension exists between characters, but it’s unspoken.
- Example: A long silence that communicates anger or hesitation.
Start with what the character says. Surface dialogue is the literal text spoken aloud.
Lila: "I trusted you!"
Decide what the character is truly feeling or thinking behind the words. Subtext often reflects hidden emotions, motives, or fears.
Subtext for Lila:
- “I thought you were family. You were the one person I believed in, and you destroyed that.”
Subtext often comes to life through how the line is delivered. Combine tone, physicality, and pacing to reveal what the character isn’t saying.
Subtext in Performance:
- Lila yells “I trusted you!” but her voice cracks, showing that the anger is fueled by hurt.
- She avoids eye contact, as if she can’t bear to see Arden’s reaction, and clutches a personal object tied to their relationship (e.g., a token of trust).
Characters often say one thing while meaning another, especially when emotions are high. This creates rich subtext.
Most emotional moments are complex. Layer different emotions to create tension in the subtext.
Subtext thrives in what’s not said. A pause, hesitation, or meaningful look can say more than words.
When characters avoid addressing the truth directly, their subtext becomes even more apparent.
Subtext can also emerge through how a character interacts with their surroundings.
While subtext adds depth, the spoken words must still carry weight. The audience should sense what’s beneath the surface without being confused. Here’s how to strike a balance:
Example: Lila finally says, “I trusted you more than anyone, and now I don’t know if I’ll ever trust anyone again.”
Use Subtext Sparingly for Impact: Too much subtlety can dilute the tension. Alternate between subtext and direct statements to keep the scene dynamic.
Let’s combine dialogue, subtext, and physicality into a short excerpt from the Lila and Arden scene.
(Quietly, avoiding eye contact) “I heard something about you today. Something ridiculous. Tell me it’s not true.”
(Subtext: I don’t want to believe this. I need you to reassure me.)
(Voice low, glancing away) “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.”
(Subtext: I’m deflecting because I know you’ve figured it out.)
(Stepping closer, voice rising) “I’m not an idiot, Arden! The reports, the ambushes, all of it—it was you, wasn’t it?”
(Subtext: Admit it so I can stop torturing myself with the possibility that I’m wrong.)
(Desperately) “I didn’t have a choice, Lila!”
(Subtext: I made my decision, but I hate facing the consequences.)
(Voice cracking, clutching a necklace Arden gave her) “No, you had a choice. You just didn’t choose me.”
(Subtext: I gave you everything, and you threw it away.)
(Softly, head down) “I thought I was doing what was best—for both of us.”
(Subtext: I don’t even believe this excuse, but it’s all I have.)
(Steps back, straightens her posture) “Then I guess we’re done here.”
(Subtext: I’m walking away, but it’s breaking me inside.)