This is designed to collect data on consumer preferences, behaviors, and opinions. This template can be tailored for specific industries or research goals.
Purpose: To gather insights into consumer preferences, purchasing habits, and opinions to help improve products/services.
Instructions: Please answer the following questions honestly. Your responses will remain confidential.
[ ] 55+
What is your gender?
[ ] Prefer not to say
What is your household income?
[ ] $100,000+
Where do you live?
[ ] In-store or event
How familiar are you with our brand?
[ ] Not familiar at all
Which of the following do you associate with our brand? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Rarely
What is your typical budget for products/services in this category?
[ ] $100+
Where do you usually make your purchases?
What factors influence your purchasing decisions the most? (Rank from 1-5)
On a scale of 1–5, how satisfied are you with our product/service?
What do you like the most about our product/service?
What areas do you think we could improve on?
How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?
What other brands or products do you frequently purchase in this category?
What features or services are most important to you in this category?
Which communication channels do you prefer for receiving updates/offers from us?
Would you like to participate in further research (e.g., focus groups, interviews)?
- [ ] Yes (Please provide your email/contact information: ______)
- [ ] No
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your input is valuable in helping us improve our products and services!