Sales And Marketing Skills

Consumer Research Questionnaire

This is designed to collect data on consumer preferences, behaviors, and opinions. This template can be tailored for specific industries or research goals.

Consumer Research Questionnaire

Purpose: To gather insights into consumer preferences, purchasing habits, and opinions to help improve products/services.
Instructions: Please answer the following questions honestly. Your responses will remain confidential.

Section 1: Demographics

  1. What is your age group?
  2. [ ] Under 18
  3. [ ] 18–24
  4. [ ] 25–34
  5. [ ] 35–44
  6. [ ] 45–54
  7. [ ] 55+

  8. What is your gender?

  9. [ ] Male
  10. [ ] Female
  11. [ ] Non-binary/Other
  12. [ ] Prefer not to say

  13. What is your household income?

  14. [ ] Below $25,000
  15. [ ] $25,000–$49,999
  16. [ ] $50,000–$74,999
  17. [ ] $75,000–$99,999
  18. [ ] $100,000+

  19. Where do you live?

  20. [ ] Urban
  21. [ ] Suburban
  22. [ ] Rural

Section 2: Product/Service Awareness

  1. How did you first hear about our product/service?
  2. [ ] Social media
  3. [ ] Friends/word of mouth
  4. [ ] Advertising (TV, online, print, etc.)
  5. [ ] Search engines
  6. [ ] In-store or event

  7. How familiar are you with our brand?

  8. [ ] Very familiar
  9. [ ] Somewhat familiar
  10. [ ] Not familiar at all

  11. Which of the following do you associate with our brand? (Select all that apply)

  12. [ ] Affordable
  13. [ ] High quality
  14. [ ] Reliable
  15. [ ] Trendy
  16. [ ] Innovative

Section 3: Purchase Behavior

  1. How often do you purchase products/services in this category?
  2. [ ] Weekly
  3. [ ] Monthly
  4. [ ] Every few months
  5. [ ] Rarely

  6. What is your typical budget for products/services in this category?

  7. [ ] Less than $20
  8. [ ] $20–$50
  9. [ ] $50–$100
  10. [ ] $100+

  11. Where do you usually make your purchases?

    • [ ] Online (e-commerce websites, apps)
    • [ ] Physical retail stores
    • [ ] Both
  12. What factors influence your purchasing decisions the most? (Rank from 1-5)

    • Price: [ ]
    • Quality: [ ]
    • Brand reputation: [ ]
    • Recommendations/Reviews: [ ]
    • Convenience: [ ]

Section 4: Satisfaction and Feedback

  1. On a scale of 1–5, how satisfied are you with our product/service?

    • [ ] 1 (Very Dissatisfied)
    • [ ] 2 (Dissatisfied)
    • [ ] 3 (Neutral)
    • [ ] 4 (Satisfied)
    • [ ] 5 (Very Satisfied)
  2. What do you like the most about our product/service?

  3. What areas do you think we could improve on?

  4. How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?

    • [ ] 0 – Not Likely
    • [ ] 1
    • [ ] 2
    • [ ] 3
    • [ ] 4
    • [ ] 5
    • [ ] 6
    • [ ] 7
    • [ ] 8
    • [ ] 9
    • [ ] 10 – Extremely Likely

Section 5: Preferences and Interests

  1. What other brands or products do you frequently purchase in this category?

  2. What features or services are most important to you in this category?

  3. Which communication channels do you prefer for receiving updates/offers from us?

    • [ ] Email
    • [ ] Social media
    • [ ] SMS
    • [ ] Phone calls
    • [ ] None

Follow-Up Option

Would you like to participate in further research (e.g., focus groups, interviews)?
- [ ] Yes (Please provide your email/contact information: ______)
- [ ] No

End of Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your input is valuable in helping us improve our products and services!

Tips for Using This Questionnaire

  1. Customize the questions to reflect your specific industry or product category.
  2. Use tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform for digital distribution.
  3. Ensure the questionnaire is mobile-friendly if distributed online.
  4. Keep it concise: aim for 10–15 minutes to complete.
  5. Offer incentives (e.g., discounts, gift cards) to encourage participation.

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