Career Success

Checklist: Things You Do Not Need To Put On Your Resume


1. Irrelevant hobbies and interests (unless it's related to the position you're applying for)

2. Too many soft skills (For the soft skills that you do include, give examples of their usage / success)

3. Your professional headshot (Ignore this if you are a actor in the TV / Movie / Video business)

4. Personal pronouns (Instead of "I managed 5 team members," write "managed 5 team members."

5. The wrong kind of email (Gmail or Outlook address - Out with 'old' / 'tired' Hotmail and Yahoomail)

6. Your mailing address (if you're applying for out-of-state jobs - if you must, mention that you intend to relocate)

7. Job positions older than 10 to 15 years (no more than four or five positions that span no more than 10 to 15 years.)
Give details of your most recent jobs and accomplishments.

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