Replace them with distraction apps like free games.
Block Shopping Sites
Set specific time restrictions if needed.
Clear Saved Payment Information
Slowing down checkout processes gives you time to rethink purchases.
Store Cards Out of Reach?
Use cards only for planned purchases.
Get Rid of Extra Credit Cards?
Use only a debit card and request your bank to block overdrafts.
Turn Yourself Down for Credit
Services like Experian or Equifax can help with this request.
Seek Help from Your Bank
They prefer you stay within manageable debt levels.
Carry Cash Only
Limits spending to what you physically have.
Use a 24–48 Hour Rule
If you still want the item after the cooling-off period, proceed.
Return Impulse Purchases
Replace impulsive actions with thoughtful choices to regain control over spending. Building better habits takes time, but these steps can help break the cycle of overspending and enhance financial stability.?